Saturday, November 21, 2009

Theme:: Clear

The morning glittered. Below at the square a solitary man was sweeping the red-yellow leaves with a long wiry broom. In the houses the men and children were awakening and ambling downstairs for breakfast; soon they will be dressed and released in the streets like an outbreak of plague into the sharp autumn air. Oh humanity, how you never tire of yourself!

He sat solemnly on one of the rooftops around the square. He was a fifteen-year-old boy in shirtsleeves and breeches, with a mop of chestnut hair and a button nose.

Not yet, but soon, he would require a name.


  • A "drabble" is a 100-word story, a form usually used for fan fiction.
  • I'm thinking of writing a drabble for each of the prompts henceforth. If all goes well (i.e. if my imagination doesn't fail), they'll all be about the same person, a character I'd created and written a lot about and then given up a couple of years ago.
  • Sometimes I'm going to add a bit of a sketch to the drabble, not always, because I'm a slow and not-very-skilled artist. Let's see! :D


Your Mother said...

"the men and children were awakening [...]soon they will be dressed and released in the streets like an outbreak of plague"

Ah such poetry. Especially welcome when I am trying to keep myself awake looking for happy stabby thoughts.

Monidipa said...

Haha! Wrote a longer version of the drabble - with more plague and less clarity - and put it up here, if you're interested.

Avec Maître said...

Who's he? Peter Pan with a grudge?

Monidipa said...

He's my Project97 character with a long backstory. In short a nearly immortal (i.e. doesn't naturally die, though can be killed by an appropriate enemy) shape-shifting son of a god and an wolf, who tries to live mortal lives and keeps getting baited out of them by his dad, who isn't entirely likeable. I'm rather attached to him, so he keeps resurfacing. Also because he's a very convenient person to stick into any era and any kind of life. This story, for example, is placed during the great plague of Vienna in the late 17th century. :D

Joy Acharyya said...

Interesting!!! Very very INTERESTING!!! :) .. Next set please ....

Monidipa said...


Thankee! Soon as I can think up one more.

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